Good Evening: Your Senslip product has changed my (sex) life, it’s given me new and exciting sensations, that I’d either forgotten about, or never had. The following comments, may be NSFW, but we’re talking about our genitals here, so…. I’m a 55 year male, circumcised at birth, like most males in the USA, in my generation. Wearing the Senslip, even a short amount of time, only a month has made drastic changes in everything sexual related to my penis. Even masturbation, the least enjoyable of sexual relations, is a whole different ballgame. Blowjobs, are outstanding, beyond explanation. It was a struggle for me to climax previously with oral, now I have to stop my GF, soon after she starts one, or I’d never make it to the main event. And now she loves giving them, because of the sounds that come out of me, how my body reacts when I’m receiving them. Sex is also very different, in the best possible way. For various reasons, I wasn’t always able to climax, never lost my erection, just never able to get over the edge. Now, I’m able to “ride the wave”, teetering on the edge, and almost coming whenever I want to. Because I’m so sensitive, I can ease back, or plunge forward as needed, hence me “riding the wave”, jumping over when I want, or pulling back, if I’m not ready. I could go on and on, but I won’t. But a couple more things…. You talk about a learning curve, it’s not, it’s more of a learning around the block. In the beginning, I tried and tried to put one on, failed and threw it in a drawer. I just put on a ‘Manhood’ for the day. Because I’m stubborn, tried again, and again. Out of luck, I read a post on Reddit, a guy used some KY lube, and success. A better explanation, or a video, would sell more of your product. Not everyone is as stubborn as I, and would give up and be mad about wasting money on Senslip. And you guys are aces on under promising and over delivering, I’m getting at least 30 days per use. When they get stretched out, or have a hole in them, I wear them at night, until they’re completely broken down. I originally ordered 10 back in July (I think), I still have 2 unopened. Admittedly, the Manhood have been sharing the load, but I’m wearing your product 80% of the time. And covered 90% of a 24 hour day, I’m uncovered 2 sleep nights a week, they give my GF, the willies. LOL. Some dude needs to make a video on installation. I’d volunteer, but I’m not sure I know how. A picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a miilion. And you’d double your product sales. Think about the Baby Boomers in the USA, they’re all my age, and your product is making me feel like I’m going through puberty again. I’m only half kidding when I ask, are you selling stock? Maybe your guys are sufficiently wealthy and don’t need to see anymore units, but with some correct marketing, you could. Thanks again, and sincerely, Frank

Frank..August 2024

ย “I have been wearing the SenSlip Artificial Foreskin for about two weeks, and I can feel and see the difference”

S.K. Dublin

“Wow, thank you for a quick response, great product, great service.ย  The improved version is much easier to fit”

J.R.D. Denver USA

” I am now into my third pack of SenSlips and I am truly impressed.ย  So is the wife”

J.M.ย  Capetown SA

” Your Company has changed my life and that of my wife. I wear the prosthetic slips every day.ย  After reading the good points and the bad points about the slips, I did persevere with them and I have gotten so use to them, I don’t like to take them off.ย  Foreskin Restoration did not work for me due to numerous minor corrective surgery operations and I am very pleased with your products.”

ย R.R.ย  Washingtonย  USA