Category: SenSlip

  • Circumcision


    Circumcision Facts A Risky, Painful & Unnecessary Procedure Welcome to the Circumcision Page.  This page has been designed to explain the physical differences between the Intact (uncircumcised) penis and the circumcised penis.   Also, an explanation and description of the immediate and long term physical and psychological effects, that circumcision can cause. Circumcision – The Sad Facts…

  • About Us

    We have distributed over 400,000 SenSlip Foreskinssince 2005 Over recent years, much research has been carried out into the detrimental effects of Infant non medical male circumcision.  FM Research was formed in 1999 to look for ways to relieve the effects  that are experienced by the amputation of the infant foreskin.  In 2005 Viafin-Atlas Ltd. was formed.…

  • Size & Colour Chart for your SenSlip Foreskin Finding the Correct Size for Your SenSlip Foreskin Finding the correct size for your SenSlip Foreskin is a straightforward process. To ensure an accurate fit, the penis should be measured at the midpoint of the penile shaft, which is located halfway along the shaft. Hereโ€™s how you…

  • Fรผr beschnittene Mรคnner, die nach mehr Empfindlichkeit und Komfort suchen, bietet Senslip eine innovative und nicht-invasive Lรถsung. Wenn Sie Senslip noch nicht kennen, fragen Sie sich vielleicht, wo Sie anfangen sollen. Unser Produkt wurde entwickelt, um die natรผrliche Schutzfunktion der Vorhaut nachzuahmen und so mehr Komfort, Empfindlichkeit und Feuchtigkeit fรผr die Eichel zu gewรคhrleisten. Senslip…

  • Senslip offre une alternative non invasive, scientifiquement conรงue, pour restaurer les fonctions naturelles du prรฉpuce. En amรฉliorant la sensibilitรฉ, en rรฉduisant les frictions, en maintenant l’hydratation et en soutenant le bien-รชtre psychologique, Senslip peut vous aider ร  redรฉcouvrir le confort et le plaisir dans votre vie quotidienne. Si vous รชtes prรชt ร  explorer un nouveau…